I grew up in a Christian home in Hagerstown, Maryland. Being the youngest of seven children and growing up on a farm, greatly influenced my life. I am very thankful for all that I learned during those growing up years. My hobbies were greatly influenced by the farm life as well. I loved horses and all kinds of sports. Having four older brothers probably greatly influenced me as well.

Every time the doors of the church were open we would be there. I loved going to church, singing, learning God’s Word, memorizing, etc. etc. I knew all of the right answers. Then, during the summer between 6th and 7th grade, a major turning point happened to me. I hitched up my horse to a racing cart and went for a ride down the country road where we lived. It was a beautiful day. Then suddenly a cow fly landed on my horse’s rump and stung her. She made a quick turn to the left, which you cannot do in a cart. It must be a wide turn. Well, anyways, the cart flipped over, my leg went in to the wheel and she drug me through a freshly cut corn field. The wheel kept grinding against my leg as my body was torn up by the corn stalks. Finally, the leather straps broke away from the cart and the horse ran home. I lay there in that corn field and thought I was going to die. I could not walk, so I drug myself, using my arms, down the row for a long distance to the nearest house. Thankfully someone was home and they called my parents, who took me to the hospital. I had no broken bones, but the front part of my body was tore up. My leg had gone through a lot as well. While I was in that emergency room, God spoke to my heart. His Word became SO CLEAR! I realized that all this time I had been trusting in how good I was. I was a good little girl. I would have told you that I loved Jesus as well. I knew a lot ABOUT Him, but I didn’t put my TRUST IN HIM! I couldn’t believe how deceived I had been. Satan had me convinced I was a Christian. I was, but only by culture! PRAISE THE LORD that He drew me to himself and I gave my heart to Him, TRUSTING in Him alone for my salvation.

Ephesians 2:8-9   “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God–not by works, so that no one can boast.”

I met my husband in college. I praise the Lord for how He orchestrates our lives. We were married in July of 1981. My husband, Doug, is so gifted with airplanes. He knew that God wanted him to use that for HIS glory. We were accepted with Mission Aviation Fellowship in February of 1986 and served 13 years in Kalimantan, Indonesia. We have three children, who grew up there, in Indonesia. Then God led us back to the States to work at the MAF headquarters. Doug is a maintenance instructor and evaluates and teaches. He loves to share of his experiences overseas with new pilot/mechanics getting ready to serve with MAF.

I have been involved in children’s ministry for years. It has always been a passion that the Lord has given to me. Besides working in the office at the church, I also work with Children’s Church, AWANA! Praise the Lord for each of these opportunities to share the love of Christ.

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